The aim of the Eugeen Van Mieghem Foundation (established August 16th 1982) is “to make the work of the deceased artist as widely known as possible through publications, exhibitions and talks”. Since 1993 the foundation has run the Eugeen Van Mieghem Museum.
Both the museum and the foundation (which has the legal entity of a VZW (non-profit organization) are domiciled at No. 9 Ernest Van Dijckkaai, 2000 Antwerp.
The Eugeen Van Mieghem Foundation currently has almost 1,000 members, which makes it one of the largest, independent, cultural associations in Flanders. Everyone is welcome to become a member. There are regular members and honorary members. Neither foundation nor museum is subsidized so members shoulder the responsibility for running the association.

Memebership fee
Membership costs 30 euros per annum for regular members and 60 euros for honorary members. All members and their family enjoy free admission to the museum for the year of their subscription and receive the 3-monthly magazine in Dutch.
Other initiatives (talks, walks and outings) are organized for members on a regular basis. In addition, every year honorary members receive a bibliophile publication about the work of Eugeen Van Mieghem.
The membership fee can be paid to the foundation’s bank account with BNP Paribas Fortis:
IBAN BE60 0011 4575 1670 and BIC GEBABEBB
Kindly give your name and address in full and correctly!
Duo bequest
A ‘duo bequest’ can be fiscally advantageous if you wish to leave something to someone who would ordinarily have to pay high taxes on that inheritance. A duo bequest allows the testator to leave a part of his estate to a good cause and another part to the heirs. The law on inheritance tax stipulates that one can appoint a person as beneficiary without that beneficiary having to pay inheritance taxes, on condition that another person or pays those inheritance taxes.

The main sponsor of the Eugeen Van Mieghem Museum is the Royal Belgian Shipowners’ Association (RBSA). Thanks to the RBSA, the Eugeen Van Mieghem Museum is assured of a home at Het Redershuis for 20 years.
For the period 2010 to 2020 the Eugeen Van Mieghem Museum is supported by the following sponsors: